936, Whalley New Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9PH
01254 246144 | info@wilpshireclinic.co.uk | Find us on Facebook | Find us on Google+

Professional Clinical Care for:
• Chiropody & Podiatry
• Osteopathy
• Physiotherapy

The Society of Chiropodists and PodiatristsHealth and Care Professionals Council RegisteredGeneral Osteopathic CouncilChartered Society Physiotherapy

Lacuna Method

What is it?

Fungal Nail infectionFungal nail infections are notoriously difficult to treat. Patients had few options of treatment; taking oral anti fungal tablets for around a year, applying over the counter paints and lotions from the pharmacy, trying homeopathic or herbal remedies (often with little success). A frustrating and expensive experience often leading to people just accepting they are stuck with the condition forever.
Fungal infections occur when microscopic fungi enters the nail usually through trauma or micro trauma from footwear. These reproduce and spread through the nail, the fungi thrive between the toes in the moist warm environment of socks and shoes.

What can be done?

Podiatrists have been researching new methods and found that making small holes in the nail plate and applying anti fungal spray has proved to give very effective results. It has been named The Lacuna Method. Lacuna – ‘an unfilled space’, ‘a cavity or depression’. This relates to the nail treatment because we create small holes in the nail plate to treat the infection.

The Lacuna Fungal Nail Treatment involves drilling multiple holes across the fungal area. We then inject Lamisil into the holes and spray across the nail plate and get the patient to apply this every day and return in 6 weeks for a review.
It is relatively painless and no anaesthetic is required. Treatment time takes from around 45 minutes (depending on the number of toes affected and the number of holes required).

Lamisil is a anti-fungal drug that is also known as terbinafine. Terbinafine works to create an imbalance in the fungal cell wall, this then causes fungal cell death so it is known as a ‘Fungicidal’ drug. To ensure this treatment works patients must apply the spray daily.


Wilpshire Clinic - Chiropody, Podiatry, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

936, Whalley New Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9PH (Across from the Co-Op opposite the Knowsley Road junction.)

01254 246144


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Opening Times

Monday 10am to 7pm

Tuesday 9am to 1pm

Wednesday 10am to 6pm

Thursday 9am to 1pm

Friday 9am to 1pm

Saturday Appointments available on request

Sunday Closed

Early morning appointments and home visits by arrangement.
