936, Whalley New Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9PH
01254 246144 | info@wilpshireclinic.co.uk | Find us on Facebook | Find us on Google+

Professional Clinical Care for:
• Chiropody & Podiatry
• Osteopathy
• Physiotherapy

The Society of Chiropodists and PodiatristsHealth and Care Professionals Council RegisteredGeneral Osteopathic CouncilChartered Society Physiotherapy

Duncan Whalley

Duncan Whalley
Bsc (Hons) MCSP


Shoulder PhysiotherapyDuncan Whalley Bsc (Hons) MCSP is a fully qualified Physiotherapist registered with The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy with over 6 years’ experience working in the NHS and private practice, and also with experience of working with a local rugby team, Duncan provides a wide range of treatments for patients including sports related injuries, musculoskeletal problems and whiplash.

How can physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapy helps people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. It can maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

Physiotherapy is an effective way to treat a wide range of conditions including:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Postural and work related problems
  • Arthritis
  • Whiplash
  • Biomechanical problems, such as knee pain
  • Muscular aches, pains and discomfort

Treatments include:

  • Tailored exercise programmes
  • Core strengthening for back and neck problems
  • Manual therapy, with hands on approach, including mobilisations and soft tissue massage
  • Biomechanical assessment and correction of muscle imbalance
  • Rehab, both pre and post surgery
  • Gait re-education and treatment of mobility problems
  • Home visits, for patients unable to attend the clinic

Please contact us if you wish to find out more.

Wilpshire Clinic - Chiropody, Podiatry, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

936, Whalley New Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9PH (Across from the Co-Op opposite the Knowsley Road junction.)

01254 246144


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Opening Times

Monday 10am to 7pm

Tuesday 9am to 1pm

Wednesday 10am to 6pm

Thursday 9am to 1pm

Friday 9am to 1pm

Saturday Appointments available on request

Sunday Closed

Early morning appointments and home visits by arrangement.
