936, Whalley New Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9PH
01254 246144 | info@wilpshireclinic.co.uk | Find us on Facebook | Find us on Google+

Professional Clinical Care for:
• Chiropody & Podiatry
• Osteopathy
• Physiotherapy

The Society of Chiropodists and PodiatristsHealth and Care Professionals Council RegisteredGeneral Osteopathic CouncilChartered Society Physiotherapy

Linda Olbison

Linda Olbison
M.Ost, Master of Osteopathy


Linda Olbison M.Ost (Master of Osteopathy) is a fully qualified osteopath, registered with the General Osteopathic Council and member of the British Osteopathic Association. She provides holistic osteopathy treatment for joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves and cranial osteopathy.

Back MassageOsteopathy is a medical treatment discipline focused on improving the structural balance of the body as a whole, particularly the spine, muscles and joints.

Osteopaths have a holistic appreciation of how the body works and recognise that the body has a strong ability to heal itself. Often the osteopath’s approach is to treat and take away the mechanical factors that are stopping the process of self-healing taking place. This not only helps address injuries as they present to the osteopath in practice, but will usually reduce the chance of them returning in future.

What do we do?

Theray on kneeOsteopathic treatment is non-invasive and does not use drugs instead I use muscle stretching, joint articulation and manipulation. Exercises are sometimes given as is guidance on postural and other changes a patient can make to their lifestyle to help prevent future problems.

British Osteopathic Association

Osteopathy can be an effective way to treat most muscle and joint pain such as:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Elbow Pain (Tennis elbow & golfer's elbow)
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Knee Pain
  • Ankle Pain
  • Repetitive Strain Injury
  • Arthritic Mechanical problems
  • Posture Problems (pregnancy, working conditions & sports activities)

Please contact us to see how we can help.


Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy MassageCranial Osteopathy is a modality that uses gentle pressures in order to manipulate the body's natural rhythm, in order to release stresses and tensions throughout the head and body. Disruption to the body’s natural rhythm or “involuntary rhythm” over time can cause symptoms to develop. These symptoms can include colic, hearing and suckling problems in babies,

Cranial Osteopathy need not be restricted to babies. Young children and adults can benefit with treatment for individuals suffering symptoms such as:

  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Neck and head pain from Trauma from traffic accidents & whiplash associated disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Sinus pain
  • Insomnia
  • Concussion

Please contact us if you wish to find out more.

Wilpshire Clinic - Chiropody, Podiatry, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy

936, Whalley New Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9PH (Across from the Co-Op opposite the Knowsley Road junction.)

01254 246144


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Opening Times

Monday 10am to 7pm

Tuesday 9am to 1pm

Wednesday 10am to 6pm

Thursday 9am to 1pm

Friday 9am to 1pm

Saturday Appointments available on request

Sunday Closed

Early morning appointments and home visits by arrangement.
