936, Whalley New Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn BB1 9PH
01254 246144 | info@wilpshireclinic.co.uk | Find us on Facebook | Find us on Google+
A comprehensive range of treatments are available for your feet at the Wilpshire Clinic.
As well as the range of routine treatments listed below we are able to help with specialist consultations on all aspects of foot care and, whatever the problem, we’re happy to help.
Call us now on 01254 246144 and make your appointment.
These are areas of thickened skin caused by pressure or friction it has which have an extremely hard core which can then press onto nerves giving rise to pain or discomfort. They can arise on top of the toes, between the toes or on the ball of the foot. They can generally be removed quite simply giving immediate relief.
This is a larger area of thickened hard skin with no nucleus. This can cause fissures and cracks with accompanying pain in the heels. If it is on the ball of the foot a burning sensation can arise. This can usually be removed simply.
These generally occur on the Great Toenail where the the nail grows into the side or top corner of the toe. This can be caused by tight hosiery, shoes or incorrect nail cutting. This can usually be resolved by cutting, shaving away the edge of the nail or removing part or all or the nail with local anaesthesia. See Nail Surgery.
These are caused by a virus (HPV) and generally appear somewhere on the sole of the foot.They can look similar to a corn but have capiliaries in them, appearing as dark spots. A choice of treatments is available. This can range from using various chemical agents, through cryotherapy to dry needling.
This condition is caused by fungal spores. It manifests between the toes as wet, itchy, macerated skin and has a strong odour. On the soles of the feet it can appear as small blisters with dry peeling skin. Itch will still be present.
This condition is also caused by fungal spores but in this case in the nail. It can cause the nails to be yellow/brown in colour and to become crumbly in appearance.
This can be caused by any number of biomechanical problems. Usually this can be addressed by the provision of prescription insoles.